Friday, December 24, 2010


'Tis the night before Christmas and I won't be delving into the mysteries of roundball, won't be linking other sites or going off on tangential rants.  Despite the excellent Fesitvus poles available (such as above), there's a gaily decorated pine in the Murphy living room, with presents below and some still to be wrapped.  A run to the market's in the offing and food to be cooked on a rainy Austin night.  Tomorrow of course, there will be other matters to be considered (apart from the oohing and awing over socks and snuggies) - the Lakers/Heat game and it ought to be a good one.  I'm putting the Bucks debacle to bed in my head, thinking only good and thrashing thoughts.

Writing this thing over the past few months has been nothing if not interesting, the legions who type and copy/paste their way into micro-niche forums and platforms of expression, know well that it's not for mass consumption.  The fringes of blogging are more akin to tiny neighborhood coffeehouses, lurking in the cyber universe.  Some days the patrons are few and far between, sometimes a temporary spike as some benevolent soul posts a most welcome link.

I'll continue on, it fires up the old synapses and sometimes I get these dogged notions in my head and like a dog with a chewed-up stick, won't let go.  Sincerest thanks to those that have stopped by to read, from the Netherlands to Pacoima.  And my holiday wish, that a few more say "hey!" from time to time, be it comments, emails, tweets or carrier pigeon (remind me to tell you about Charlie from Gloucester in a future post). 

Happy Festivus everybody and to all a good night!

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